Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Let's get organized....organized!

One of my favorite blogs has a Talk to me Tuesday.  Today she is asking to see our organization around the house.  Here are a few of mine.  And if you want to see others ideas visit Tip Junkie.  I have already found several things I would like to try.
Here is our mail organizer.  It is not as neat as I would like.  We have an in slot an out slot and Misc.  But being in the kitchen it just looks messy.

Ok, I really like this one.  We never know where to leave notes.  Especially if it is between me and my hubby.  So, I was at Target the other day and found a cork board for $2.50.  It is in a frame where I could take out the cork and wrap it with the fabric and secure it with craft glue on the back. (Bragging moment)- Look close to what is pinned on there.  My son got Superintendent's Honor Roll!....in Pre-K!

My humble grocery list.  I keep it on the fridge that way as the week goes on I can write something down immediately when I see I need it.  Then before I go I plan out my week menu and add those things to the list.

This is by our door to our garage.  It started out as a place for me to hang my purse and diaper bag.  I got the idea from my mother in law.  Now we need to add more hooks because everyone is hanging their coats there.  And anything we might need to take with us the next day gets put by the door.  That is my church bag and my youngest sons church bag.  Check here for my vision of what I want it to look like.

Here is my simple calendar.  At my old house I hung it in the kitchen.  I have yet to find a good place for it. 

Oh yea! My new thing for this house.  My laundry sorter.  I still need to add labels(Light, Dark,whites)  I always sorted on the floor and if I didn't get to a stack then we walked over it until I got it done.  It is also on wheels so I can roll it from my bedroom to the laundry room.

At our old house my husband and I had separate closets.  I didn't have to look at his disarray.  But, now we share one small closet.  I am a fenatic about organizing my clothes.  They have to be separated by type and then I rotate with in that type and put what I have worn in the back and leave what I haven't worn in the front.  I know I am crazy.  And my oldest sons closet is the same way.

Lastly, after having a wedding shower,  baby showers for my 2 kids,. numerous birthdays and Christmases I have quit a collection of gift sacks.  I know they are more affordable than they use to but I still can't throw them away.  So, here is my tub that holds them all and my scissors, curly ribbon, labels, and tape.  I keep it on a shelf in my closet.

Ok, if you are still reading this LONG entry I need to share my demise.

I must admit some disorganization.  These are where the other peoples tips are going to come in handy.  My sons room!  We are making a play room for them.  So, I hope that will help.

Where to my projects and important papers, coupons, menus?

Ugh, lastly all these boxes we still have stuff in from the move and don't know what to do with it.  Again I am hoping the play room Will help with some of this!

Thanks, for stopping by.


  1. Found you from Tip-Junkie - LOVE THAT SIGHT!!! :) Anyway - I think by the looks of it - we think a lot alike... I have very much the same similar organization-ing going on... Here are a couple things that I do that might help with your little dis-organized matter... (we all have it - no matter how hard we try-right? :)) For toys - I have gotten some of the same containers you store your gift bags in - I make sure that they stack well... some are taller - some are smaller - but I separate the toys, little pet shop stuff, barbies, cars & wheel things, even age wise - Like baby toys etc. I also keep coloring books, crayons & markers and such in one, special books & flannel board stories, dress up stuff, beads, puzzles, and arts & crafts etc. (you get the idea) I keep the toys stacked in my storage room and on Monday's I bring out a new bin for the kids to play with. If they are having a special "play date" I'll bring out a couple to choose from, or let them choose. (OR, if they are out of school, or need something "new" I'll bring out a bin for the day only) This way - it keeps them from digging through all the bins, mixing them up (because that plays havoc on my "organized" madness :)) and they don't get bored with the toys - They think they are getting new toys all the time (oh how easily they forget some things... but it is cute to hear "OH! My favorite!! Remember when....") The rule is -ALL TOYS MUST BE PUT TO BED -they need rest too. So about 30 min before bedtime we make sure toys are put away in the bin -and tucked into the corner (or closet) of their room, so they are ALL rested for the next day! :)

    As for important papers, projects and such. I purchased a alpha-sorter file (looks like a book) with alpha tabs - I then covered those tabs with titles that I needed - such as Hosp. bills, Bank statements, one for each of my kids, Mortgage statements, each utility etc. Insurances, investments, you know - just anything and everything - you have 23 tabs I think! Then I mounted a wall file (a plastic pocket kinda thing) in my office and I place the book in there - then as the mail and other documents come, I just open it & slide it into the appropriate file, then the end of the week when it is time to pay bills, I have them all right there and can do what needs to be done with them... at the end of 3 months - I put all documents in a manila file folder (in order of course) then file in the file cabinet - then I'm not constantly having to open the file cabinet - plus once it is in the cabinet - I can forget about it (that was the problem I was having by just using the file cabinet - out of sight - out of mind..) unless of course I have to find something - but it is really easy to locate. I have 3 of the plastic pockets - one is for my "BLUE" book, one for my recipes, menus, coupons and daily chore lists, and the other is for my kids important papers that I need to look at. They just empty their back pack to the pocket file - then I can look at them when I am done working. (and dispose of what I don't want laying around on their bedroom floors LOL!)
    Sorry... long post... but just thought I'd share with you .... GOOD LUCK!!! Love LOVE love the ideas!

  2. I need to majorly organize but I would rather just move! haha

  3. You've got some crazy good ideas! We do a lot of the same things. It so much fun to see how other women run their households. {{giddy}} Thank you so much for participating!!

  4. Hi Shelly- Thanks for stopping by my blog. Thought I'd come by yours! Saw your post on Tip Junkie. A command center is awesome. You can even set it up on a counter...no need for a cabinet. Even a cart w/ draws would work. Lots of luck organizing! I can totally relate to the all boys house...except we have a girl dog.
