Sunday, December 19, 2010

School Christmas Party

We had a great time with Owen's Classmates at their Christmas Party.  I thought I would share how to make 2 of the treats we had.

Santa Claus Cookies

You will need:  1 Pkg of Nutter Butter Cookies, 1 pkg of Almond bark, 1 Pkg of white Chocolate Chip morsales, red sugar crystals, 1 pkg mini Chocolate Chip morsals.

Melt a few blocks at a time of the almond bark in a double boiler

Dip the top part of the cookie in the Almond Bark

Dip part of the Almond bark covered end in the red Sugar

Place a White Chocolate morsal for the Pom Pom on the hat

Then dip the other end in the Almond bark

Add Mini Chocolate chip for the eyes.  Apply a little of the almond bark to secure the eyes

You can skip this part but I used a little bit of melted chocolate for the mouth

The recipe called `for red hots as the nose.  but I took a little of the melted almond bark, and then sprinkled some red sugar for the nose.

Next is a snowman Pretzel

You will need Pretzel rods, Almond bark, Mini Chocolate chip morsals, Fruit by the foot, Gum Drops and Gummy rings

Melt the Almond Bark a couple of blocks at a time in a double boiler

Dip one half to 2/3 of the pretzel in the Almmond Bark

Place the Mini Chocolate Chips for the eyes and buttons

Place the pretzels in a small glass and tie a strip of Fuit by the foot around the pretzel for a scarf.  I tried tieing them but they kept breaking.  So I ended up twisting them.

The recipe called for orange icing for the noses.  I cut up and orange gummy ring and placed as the nose.

Take one Gum Drop and one Gummy Ring (I also dug a little hole out of the bottom of the Gum Drop)

Slip the Gummy ring over the smaller end of the Gum drop
Dip the end of the pretzel into the Almond Bark and place his "Hat" on.


Merry Christmas

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Spider Cupcakes

Wow, its been a long time sice I have posted.  I guess that is what happens when your child breaks your laptop!!

I thought I would share the spider cupcakes I am taking to my son's class today for his birthday.

bake chocolate cupcakes as directed.  I did mine in spider cupcake liners.

Then add chocolate icing
Sprinkle with black sugar sprinkles

You can use either black or red licorice for the legs

I took white icing and placed it into a zip loc baggie.  I then snipped the tip off and added two white dots for the eyes.

Then add M&m's on top of the white icing to finish off the eyes

Then add a brown M&M for a nose.

So fun!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Photo Friday - Fun

Mandy's Photo Friday theme is Fun for this week.  Summer is all about fun.  And since I have several friends who get to stay home with their kids we have been getting together and letting the kids play and us have a break!  This last week we went to My oldest son's friend's house and they rode bike and ran around.  We ended the afternoon with Popsicle.  Do you have a favorite flavor.  I like cherry and grape.  Makes me smile. :)  If you want to see the other entries go here.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Photo Friday

I am Batman

--Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne/Batman in Batman
Mandy's theme this week is Movie quotes!  Check here for the other entries.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Mickey Mouse Birthday

My baby turned 2!  So, we had a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Birthday.  I found my cake design and invitations on 

Here are the pictures of my process in making the cake.  4 vanilla and 1 chocolate can of icing.  The website gives instructions on how much to dye each color.  Once I baked my white 9 x 13 cake I sat it in the freezer over night.  This especially helps if you have some crumbling pieces to try and ice over.

Top half is light blue

The bottom half is green

Then place in the freezer for about 2 hours or until the frosting is frozen
Meanwhile print off the Clubhouse template

I then traced it onto wax paper.  It seemed a little more sanitary to me.  Then cut it out along the edges

Once the icing is frozen pull out of the freezer and place your outline on top.
Outline the play house with the appropriate colors.

Once that is done gently remove your stencil or some of your outline may come off. 
Then fill in the rest of the clubhouse with the appropriate colors.

I didn't have any piping bags so mine is a little messy

I found these cute little Mickey Mouse ears at Wal-Mart. 
We did have some girls coming so we needed a few Minnie Mouse ears

I bought pink ribbon with white poka dots

I then tied them into a bow and place a dot of craft glue on the back

And then placed the bow on top of the headband.

I think they turned out super cute!

I bought the table cloth, Happy Birthday sign, cups, plates, and napkins from Wal-Mart

And to add to the theme I made different color dots and taped them to the wall

I then found a Mickey Mouse Sand Pail at the Dollar tree and placed the forks in it. 
 And our big Mickey we had already.

This is our front porch greeting our guests
And here is the Birthday boy ready to party.

For more ideas check out Playhouse Disney's website!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Photo Friday- SPRING!!!!

Photo friday's theme is Spring!  I love spring.  The first sight of a Forsythia, then the daffodils and tulips!  Go here to see everyone's entry.  Here is mine

Friday, April 9, 2010

Photo Friday

Today's theme is Action!  I can so relate to Mandy and having active kids.  My kids are not even still in their sleep.  Here is a fun one to look at on a hot day like today.  It won't be long before we are sticking our toes in the water!  You can see other entries here.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Picture Friday... On Monday!

Sorry- It has been a busy time.  So, I am just now getting my photo on.  This week the theme is "The Worst".  We all have those pictures of ourselves that we would like to hide forever,  To see other entries go here.

I searched through my old school photos.  Here is my entry

Man I am Cool!  Jams, Big glasses in RED.  And that perm... WOW!  I never did the big bangs.  Here are a couple more that come in a close second and third.